My Letter From God Inside

My Letter from God is created and published by SPCK Publishing

‘More than a publisher. More than a charity.’ (Paul Chandler, former CEO of Traidcraft, Fellow at St Chad’s College, Durham, and a member of SPCK)

My Letter From God Book

The oldest Anglican mission agency

SPCK has been helping people find out more about the Christian faith for over 300 years. Its founder Thomas Bray was committed to tackling the problem of ‘religious ignorance’ in the seventeenth century.

Christian mission: ours is the oldest Anglican mission agency.

Christian charity: ours is a dynamic charity that touches lives across the world.

Christian publisher: ours is the largest Christian publisher in the UK.

My Letter From God Artwork

We aim to ensure that Christianity remains relevant in these uncertain times

With the loyal support of our partners and members, we aim to ensure that Christianity remains relevant in these uncertain times and that it is accessible to everyone.

Everyone includes individual Christians whom we encourage in their faith and empower to talk about Christ with others.

Everyone includes people on the edge of faith whom we inspire to explore the Bible and ask how God works in their lives.

Everyone includes vulnerable and marginalized communities whom we welcome to the Christian family.

SPCK is, at heart, a Christian mission that operates through publishing to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
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